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Archived White House OSTP blogs:
Helping Gamers Get Health Care Coverage (An Epic Win) - Blog announcing the first White House eSports game-a-thon to get gamers signed up for
A New Prize Challenge for Virtual and Augmented Reality Learning Tools - Blog launching the EdSim challenge in the Obama Administration to support development of VR tools in education.
Building the Next Generation of Assessments in Education - Blog post discussing how technology and innovation can reduce and rethink standardized testing.
White House Hosts the First-Ever Meeting of Kid Science Advisors. True story, a kid came to the white house and asked the President to create a new advisory council of kids, and we made it happen.
While at the U.S. Department of Education I worked with the Office of Science an Technology Policy at the White House to hold the first White House Game Jam. We brought over 100 top developers together from across the games industry with some of the best educators in the country to build 20 new video game prototypes for education. Video credit to Ubisoft Redstorm.